Tailored Care Management

InReach is now a certified Care Management Agency and will offer Tailored Care Management to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities

What is Tailored Care Management (TCM)  

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Tailored Care Management provides Tailored Plan members (individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities) with a Care Manager, a professional trained in assisting individuals with I/DD along with addressing physical health needs and unmet health-related resources.  Members will receive integrated, whole-person care management from a dedicated Care Manager. The Care Manager works directly with the member and his/her team of medical and clinical professionals and family/caregivers.  The resources and support services the member needs are then identified and secured.The overall goal of the Tailored Care Management model is improved health outcomes for Tailored Plan members.  

InReach will provide Tailored Care Management in Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, and Union counties starting December 1, 2022.  

There are eligibility guidelines for Tailored Care Management. If you are interested in learning more and to find out if you qualify for this service, please contact us at 704-536-6661.

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